
Gallery view options

“Edit options” > “Gallery view” > “In gallery upload form button”

“Edit options” > “Gallery view” > “Allow sort”

“Edit options” > “Gallery view” > “Random sort button”

“Edit options” > “Gallery view” > “Allow search for images”

Views management:  “Edit options” > “Gallery view” > “View options and order”

“Edit options” > “Gallery view” > “Enable switch color style button (also round borders and bright or dark style can be configured at that area)”

Voting:  “Edit options” > “Voting options” > “Allow vote via 1 star rating” or “Allow vote via multiple stars”

“Edit options” > “Entry view” > “Comment options”

Entry title:  “Edit contact form” (then go to a field type like “Input”,”Textarea”,”Select”,”Select Categories” or “Date) > “Show as main title in gallery view”

Entry view options

“Edit options” > “Entry view” > “Copy original file source link button”

“Edit options” > “Entry view” > “Forward to original file source button”

“Edit options” > “Entry view” > “Download original file buttonn”

“Edit options” > “Entry view” > “Copy gallery entry link button”

Voting:  “Edit options” > “Voting” > “Allow vote via 1 star rating” or “Allow vote via multiple stars”

“Edit options” > “Entry view” > “Comment options”

Information in entry view:  “Edit contact form” (then go to a field type like “Input”,”Textarea”,”Select”,”Select Categories” or “Date) > “Show as info in single entry view”

Contact/Upload options

Contact/Upload form fields can be edited in “Edit contact form”. Use cg_users_contact shortcode to display contact/upload form or use “Edit options” >>> “Gallery view” >>> “In gallery contact form button” (can be configured for cg_gallery, cg_gallery_user, cg_gallery_no_voting shortcode)

Following fields can be displayed in frontend as entry information: input, textarea, select, select categories, URL

10 different field types can be selected

  • Input
  • Textarea
  • Select
  • Select categories
  • Email (only PRO version)
  • URL
  • Check agreement (only PRO version)
  • HTML (only PRO version)
  • Simple captcha (I am not a robot)
  • Google captcha (I am not a robot)

Further options like, text before after contact form, confirmation text, allowed image size configuration, limit contact entries for a user and more… can be found in “Edit options” >>> “Contact”

Registration options

Registration creates a real WordPress user, which will be available in WordPress >>> Users area.
You can also use any other plugin for registration and login which creates WordPress users.

Registration form fields can be edited in “Edit contact form”. Use cg_users_reg shortcode to display registration form.

7 different field types can be selected + 6 default field types

  • Input
  • Textarea
  • Select
  • Check agreement (only PRO version)
  • HTML (only PRO version)
  • Simple captcha (I am not a robot)
  • Google captcha (I am not a robot)
  • WP First Name
  • WP Last Name
  • WP-Nickname (always avaiable by default)
  • WP-Email (always avaiable by default)
  • WP-Password (always avaiable by default)
  • WP-Password-Confirm (always avaiable by default)

Confirmation mail options

Go to  “Edit options” > “Registration options” > “Confirmation mail options”
You can define addressor, reply, subject and content

Further options like, confirmation text or confirmation e-mail options and more… can be found in “Edit options” >>> “Registration”

Display URL as short clickable text example
(Works for all e-mails with $regurl$ and $url$ variable)

The $regurl$ or $url$ (confirmation/activation links) can be also displayed as short text: 

Or by adding as HTML tag like
<a href=”$regurl$”>Confirm your registration</a>


How to use

Use following WordPress page/post blocks to insert shortcodes: 


Shortcode block select
shortcode block example


HTML Block example


Shortcodes explained


  • cg_gallery
    All images are visible
    All configured
    options are active
    Voting is possible
    Can be added multiple times on a
    page with different id’s
  • cg_gallery_user
    only uploaded images of logged in user
    Voting is not possible
    Show always all votes
    “Hide until
    vote” and “Show only user votes” options are disabled
    “Delete votes” is not
    User can delete own images if they are activated
    Can be added
    multiple times on a page with different id’s
  • cg_gallery_no_voting
    images are visible
    Voting and sort by voting is not possible and not
    Can be used as normal gallery without voting
    Can be added
    multiple times on a page with different id’s
  • cg_gallery_winner
    Only images which are marked as winner will be displayed
    Total voting is visible
    is not possible


  • cg_users_contact
    Displays contact form


  • cg_users_reg
    Displays registration form
    Can only be added only once on a page
  • cg_users_login
    Displays login form
    Can only be added only once on a page